Monday, January 27, 2014

4 Steps When The Weather Outside Is Frightful..

Wow!  How long has it been since you shoveled snow???   If it has been as long at it has for me (2 years or so) then prepare your body for the activity.  I can remember back in the days of Chiropractic school that our teachers would tell of stories of their patients who did worse than just strain their low backs while shoveling snow.  "-(

Here's the 411 on shoveling. 
1.  It's a short burst of high intensity exercise.
2.  It's done during cold temperatures.
3.  We are not used to it.
4.  It's usually done for a duration of time.

SO, how do you prepare or do it without injuring yourself?

1.  Take it easy- the more snow accumulation the more chill we should be doing it.  Taking more frequent breaks and not moving as much snow as possible each time.
2.  Acclimate to the environment before you start.  Go outside for 5-10 minutes and just be out there.  The body will accomodate with different blood vessels tightening and some opening up more.
3.  Do some warm up strething.  Click here for stretches.
4.  If you have to shovel out your driveway or yard, most likely you are off from work anyways.  Take more time and do it slowly the first time.  IF we were in an area that saw a lot of snow, then we would be more adept in shoveling it.  AS it is, the Raleigh area doesn't see to much, so be careful!

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