Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Feet Hurt.. 5 Reasons WHY!?

When you feet hurt, what do you do? 
Rub them?  Soak them?  Nothing?
All those things are good, but the real answer is finding out why they hurt in the first place.  Here is a list of the five most common reasons why you feet hurt:

1.  Carrying too much weight on them. 
2.  Flat arches
3.  Missized shoes
4.  Biomechanics of the pelvis and knee alignment
5.  Injury or defect to the structure of the foot

We may not want to admit that we are overweight, but there is no reason to lie to yourself while reading this blog.  If you are not at an ideal bodyweight then you are probably overweight.  It's a fact in this country that most are being told.  To reduce the stress and pressure on the feet by losing a few pounds may make all the difference.  The foot is designed with arches to support whatever weight is above them, but after time our arches could fall.  Some cases I've seen, are flat from a very early age.  Either way, an orthotic is most likely the answer.  The shoe itself could be missized or you could be in the wrong shoe.  The guy/gal at the store can measure your foot with better accuracy than just by pure feel. 
Numbers 4 and 5 are a bit more complex.  You really need a chiropractor or pediatrist to check out your spine and feet to determine if the problem is coming from their.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Slip And Fall... but I'm OK!!

  Too many people take on accidents and traumas with out even knowing they have hurt themselves.  It may not be hurt themselves as in constant pain, bruising, bleeding or something else, but in a way we call Subluxation.  #Fatheroftheyear  What we do is fall, look around, laugh, get back up and hope nobody saw.  We may find a secluded spot and cry?  As long as there is nothing broken or bleeding, we generally chalk it up to "I'm OK!"  As a Chiropractor for 10 years, I can say that I have seen my share of patients who were OK at the time and are suffering now, months or years later.  It's not always what we see that is important to take care of, but rather what we can't see that we need to take care of.  #Spinalhygiene
  What we know is that our body protects what it values the most.  Brain / skull  --  Spinal Cord / spinal column  --  Heart and Lungs / rib cage.   So really when you look at it even if there is no bruising or bleeding, you can and most like do have some internal injuries.  The most prevalent in slip and falls are the tailbone and low back.  Pain in most cases is present for some time and muscle spasms and tension is probably going to be there.  But how do you correct your misstep? 
  The answer:  Get checked out by a Chiropractor, Orthopedic, Physician, some one who can correctly evaluate your spine's structure and function to see if you may have any latent symptoms that will show up down the road.  In most cases, only the Chiropractor will do an assessment as to whether future problems are possible,  orthopedics and physicians are classically trained to address the here and now, not the future or progression of a possible problem.
Brought to you by:  Community Chiropractic PA

Monday, February 10, 2014

Who Goes To A Chiropractor..?

  The simplest answer should be "anyone with a spine", the more accurate description is "someone with neck or back pains".  So how did this happen?  I can entertain the idea that chiropractors are known for being experts in the field of neck and back pain, but to pigeon hole the whole profession to "neck and back" doctors, we are living inside the box.  I have help those who have Migraines, Plantar Fascitis, Fibromyalgia, Digestive disorders, or any number of other ailments that may not be neck and back specific.  So what do Chiropractors really do?
  Chiropractors are like that "Jack" of all conditions, "Masters" of the spine.  The CNS or central nervous system; brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves are your gold mine.     The CNS is responsible for every action and reaction that your body has.  It is involved in every decision that your cells make.  Therefore, the best doctor is your own body! 
  Chirorpactors understand this and try to make educated and skilled decisions on how to clear the way for your body's healing potential to come out.  No other profession is given the amount of schooling and hands on specificity to move bones of the spine to help the function of the body, that Chiropractors are given. We all need to understand that the human body has limitations to it.  When those limitations are compromised or injured, then it's very hard to function optimally.  Medications only cover up the symptoms, rarely to aid in the healing process.  It is up to you, the individual, and those you seek help from to brandish a plan of treatment to get you back to optimal functioning.  Chiropractic should be a part of that plan.
  More and more have been turning to chiropractic as their health treatment of choice.  Back in the 1980s and 90s, with the aid of insurance, Chiropactic made a strong surge forward, but as of the turn of the century as Chiropractic has stayed the same insurance coverages slowed down and people yet again fell back onto a Medical model of healthcare.  The nations health, according to the WHO, has steadily declined since then.  Remarkably enough, the top 3 killers in the nation today are all products of a lazy, unhealthy and most noteably poor lifestyle choices.  Chiropractic isn't the be all end all of the nations problems, but it's a start.!

Friday, February 7, 2014

I've Got A "Crick" In My Neck!

Many of us, at one time or another, wake up with a strange feeling in our neck.  It's the feeling that you just can't turn it as far as you would like.  (NECK MOTION)  Then as you go through your morning it seems to get worse.    WHAT'S GOING ON?  You think to yourself. Why does it hurt so much to turn to one side and not the other?  So you take something, maybe, or you massage it, or maybe you just deal with it and hope it gets better.  (NECK MOTION-now) It pulls down by your shoulder blade and hurts to move your head to one side, down and now up.  What is it you ask?


Most likely you kinked your neck while you were sleeping in an awkward direction and you are now paying for it.  What has happened is that the muscles around your neck are reacting to the pressure that you put on your neck nerves the night before. #pinched nerve  Your muscles spasm and tighten up the already swollen joint capsule.  Some torticollis' are worse than other but all respond well to 4 things. 

1.  Ice
2.  Ultrasound
3.  Light Stretching 
4.  Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic treatment of a spasmotic torticollis is very effective.  You need 2 visits, maybe a 3rd, to completely relieve it.  After the first days treatment, you can expect ~50% improvement in both range of motion and pain relief.  On the second day, you can expect about 85% improvement.  At that point you can more than likely function normally for the continued time.  You will most likely deal with the problem longer if you do nothing or just cover it up with medications.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Touching Your Toes... Can You Do It?

I saw a link on yesterday about a man who has never touched his toes.  #ToeTouch  It took him 41 days to do it.  I say, CONGRATULATIONS.  Most people would have given up after only a few days.   The world is loaded with I can'ts and never coulds, but this man showed a lot of heart and commitment to try and do something that many can do with ease.  The shear joy and happiness that he shared with his family was really sweet to see.  He did it!  And so can you.  Being a Chiropractor, I have come in contact with so many people who are inflexible and have tight legs.  START!

Here's 4 things I talk to them about:

    1.  Back Aches  -   so many back aches can be contributed to tight muscles of the thighs.  With attachments to the front and back of the pelvis, tight muscles can influence the lower back greatly.  Stretch the muscles to ensure that your pelvis is supported and in line with spine for decreased back pain
    2.  Walking -  a flexible hamstring/quadriceps muscles allows you a free flowing gait or walking pattern.  If you have tight hamstring muscles you walk like you have no rear-end.  The tight hamstring pulls down on your pelvis and give you a flat butt appearance. Nobody wants that!  Conversely, if you tend to have tight quadriceps muscles, then you walk like you just got off a horse and your butt sticks out!  Nobody wants that either! 
   3  Strength  -  your muscles are like rubber bands, stretchy, bendable and can take a lot of loading stress.  In addition to the hamstrings, flexibility in the quadriceps allow a person to gain maximal strength and power in their legs.  If the muscles are not flexed or worked enough, it gets brittle and more likely to rip or pull and you spend more time rehabbing them, than you do using them.
   4.  Safety  -  slip and falls are never planned.  If you like the "bend but don't break" mentality in life then flexibility in your hamstrings allow you to bend with fall and not break a hip or pelvis.  It will allow you to make the correction needed to stabalize the fall or trip and you will come out of it with less injury.  Every professional athlete spends 50% of their stretch time devoted to their hammy's.

Just like anything, you get out what you put in.  Here's where you can FINISH!

Monday, January 27, 2014

4 Steps When The Weather Outside Is Frightful..

Wow!  How long has it been since you shoveled snow???   If it has been as long at it has for me (2 years or so) then prepare your body for the activity.  I can remember back in the days of Chiropractic school that our teachers would tell of stories of their patients who did worse than just strain their low backs while shoveling snow.  "-(

Here's the 411 on shoveling. 
1.  It's a short burst of high intensity exercise.
2.  It's done during cold temperatures.
3.  We are not used to it.
4.  It's usually done for a duration of time.

SO, how do you prepare or do it without injuring yourself?

1.  Take it easy- the more snow accumulation the more chill we should be doing it.  Taking more frequent breaks and not moving as much snow as possible each time.
2.  Acclimate to the environment before you start.  Go outside for 5-10 minutes and just be out there.  The body will accomodate with different blood vessels tightening and some opening up more.
3.  Do some warm up strething.  Click here for stretches.
4.  If you have to shovel out your driveway or yard, most likely you are off from work anyways.  Take more time and do it slowly the first time.  IF we were in an area that saw a lot of snow, then we would be more adept in shoveling it.  AS it is, the Raleigh area doesn't see to much, so be careful!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Strength in your Core

The common misconception to strength is that your power comes from the big muscles that you can flex and see in the mirror.  When in reality, real power comes from the small core muscles that may pay little attention to.  Like a fighter, who derives his power from his core and legs when he throws a punch, you have to pay special attention to the core muscles in order to hold your adjustments. 
So what are the core muscles?
They are the abs, internal/external obliques, quadratus lumborum, lumbar paraspinal muscles, gluteus and piriformis, all the pelvic bowl muscles.  These muscles help to make sure that you keep your center of gravity as balanced as possible.