Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Feet Hurt.. 5 Reasons WHY!?

When you feet hurt, what do you do? 
Rub them?  Soak them?  Nothing?
All those things are good, but the real answer is finding out why they hurt in the first place.  Here is a list of the five most common reasons why you feet hurt:

1.  Carrying too much weight on them. 
2.  Flat arches
3.  Missized shoes
4.  Biomechanics of the pelvis and knee alignment
5.  Injury or defect to the structure of the foot

We may not want to admit that we are overweight, but there is no reason to lie to yourself while reading this blog.  If you are not at an ideal bodyweight then you are probably overweight.  It's a fact in this country that most are being told.  To reduce the stress and pressure on the feet by losing a few pounds may make all the difference.  The foot is designed with arches to support whatever weight is above them, but after time our arches could fall.  Some cases I've seen, are flat from a very early age.  Either way, an orthotic is most likely the answer.  The shoe itself could be missized or you could be in the wrong shoe.  The guy/gal at the store can measure your foot with better accuracy than just by pure feel. 
Numbers 4 and 5 are a bit more complex.  You really need a chiropractor or pediatrist to check out your spine and feet to determine if the problem is coming from their.

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